Is It True Babies Who Don't Like Wet Diapers Are Easier to Potty Train

Signs Your Toddler Is Ready to Be Potty Trained


Reviewed on December 18, 2018

You're ready, but is your little one? Here's how to tell when your toddler is ready to potty train and tackle the toilet.

Your neighbor boasts that her little genius was diaper-free before his second birthday. Your niece, on the other hand, refused to perch on the potty till preschool. Which is the right time frame for potty training? In a nutshell: Neither and both. As with other developmental milestones, kids are programmed with one-of-a-kind schedules — and it's crucial to let your child set the pace for when to start potty training.

If your tot's not ready for potty training, even the best toilet tactics are sure to fall flat. So wait until you see these surefire signals:

What are the signs my toddler is ready to be potty trained?

1. You're changing fewer wet diapers. Until the age of about 20 months, kids pee so frequently that expecting them to control their bladders is probably unrealistic. But a toddler who stays dry for an hour or two at a stretch — and occasionally awakens without wetness — is physically ready for potty training.

2. Your child's bowel movements are predictable. Whether he has a BM in the morning, after meals or right before bed, a regular rhythm will help you anticipate when to pull out the potty — and thus boost his likelihood of success.

3. He broadcasts bodily functions. Some children happily announce when a bowel movement is about to strike ("I pooping now!"). Others communicate through less-verbal means — say, by retreating to a corner or producing a preemptive grunt. No matter what the signal, if your child shows he's aware of his body's functions, he's ready for potty training.

4. He despises dirty diapers. At some point, most toddlers go through a (fleeting) stage when they're averse to personal messes — they're bugged by errant crumbs and sticky fingers, and yes, eager to escape their soiled nappies as soon as possible. This is a golden opportunity to kick off the potty-training period because for the first time, your child dislikes his stinky diapers as much as you do.

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5. He's able to perform simple undressing. When nature calls, the potty won't be of much use unless your child can quickly yank down his trousers and pull-ups or underwear.

6. He understands bathroom lingo. Whether you prefer kid-friendly jargon like "poop" and "pee" or formal terminology like "defecate" and "urinate," your child's ready for potty training if he understands and is able to use the family's words for bathroom functions and any associated body parts.

Tips for starting potty training if your toddler is ready

  • Dress for potty training success. Overalls or tricky buttons just get in the way. Get in the habit of dressing your toddler in the right potty training clothes (pants that pull up and down without any fiddling or dresses that are easy to hike up).

  • Pick the right potty. Some toddlers prefer their own potty and others prefer a potty seat. Decide what's best for your little one. If you buy a seat that attaches to the toilet, look for a stable fit — a shaky seat can spook a child back into diapers for weeks.

  • Switch to pull-ups. Pull-ups are a great in-between stage because they allow you to start training without the fear of an accident in a not-so-convenient place. Plus, they pull up like underpants but can still be ripped off rather than pulled to his feet. The downside is they whisk away moisture like a diaper so your toddler won't be bothered by wetness which can slow down the process. So when you start having some successes, switch to washable training pants.

  • Watch for the signs. At this age, you might see them before your toddler. Notice if your little one is fidgeting or straining and head to the toilet for a try.

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  • Let him bare his bottom. He might be more aware of his bodily signals if he's not wearing a pull-up or training pants and it's easier to rush him to the potty when you see the signs.

  • Be patient. It can be frustrating when you have to clean up a puddle on the bathroom floor, but be patient as your little one is learning. Provide gentle reminders throughout the day and take your little one to the bathroom periodically. But don't scream, punish or nag. It might actually diminish his self confidence and slow the process.

  • Don't deny drinks. It's never a good idea to deny drinks. It's unfair and ineffective. In fact, it's more helpful to step up the liquids to have more opportunities for success.

  • Avoid a bathroom battle. If you're met with total resistance, it's best to avoid the struggle. If your toddler isn't ready to start training, go back to diapers a bit longer and revisit the subject in a few weeks.

  • Bring on the praise. When you have successes, remind him how proud you are and even provide treats, like a sticker for every successful pee and two for every poop.

How long does it usually take to potty train a toddler?

Some toddlers pick up potty training almost immediately and for some, it takes a little longer. Your child isn't developmentally behind if he doesn't get it right off the bat or if he starts later. Some kids start around age 2 and others are well into the 3s. The process can take weeks or months, and nighttime potty training can take much longer. Most children should stay dry at night by between 5 and 7 years old. So be prepared with disposable nighttime training pants and mattress covers.

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For some parents, potty training can be one of the more frustrating developmental stages. Some toddlers can take longer than others and in the meantime, it can be pretty messy. But try and be patient and don't fret. Eventually your little one will learn the skill, and before you know it, you won't have to lug around your diaper bag any longer.

Potty Training in 3 Words

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the Second Year, Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel.
  • Mayo Clinic, Potty training: How to get the job done, 2017.
  •, Tips on Starting Potty Training, June 2018.
  • NCBI, Toilet training children: when to start and how to train, 2012.

Is It True Babies Who Don't Like Wet Diapers Are Easier to Potty Train


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